cleave field

Format input text content when you are typing.

Please note, this field depend on the following library:

Special properties of field

Property Default Accepted values Description
autocomplete none see doc Indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser.
cleaveOptions {} Object Settings to select component. See details below.
placeholder none String Placeholder text for input field
readonly false Boolean If true, the input field is read only


For more details, see the official cleave.js documentation.

Property Default Accepted values Description
creditCard false Boolean Enable to trigger credit card shortcut mode. It detects credit card type dynamically and automatically by checking card IIN.
onCreditCardTypeChanged none Function A callback triggered after credit card type changes. The unique String argument type is the type of the detected credit, which can be: amex,mastercard,visa,diners,discover,jcb,dankort,instapayment,uatp
phone false Boolean Enable to trigger phone shortcut mode. This phone mode has to be used together with phoneRegionCode below.
phoneRegionCode none String Indicates the country region code for phone number formatting. You can find your country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 list.
date false Boolean Indicates if this is a date input field. Enable to trigger date shortcut mode.
datePattern ['d', 'm', 'Y'] Array Indicates the date pattern. Since it's an input field, leading 0 before date and month is required. To indicate what patterns it should apply, you can use: 'Y', 'y', 'm' and 'd'.
numeral false Boolean Indicates if this is a numeral input field. Enable to trigger numeral shortcut mode.
numeralThousandsGroupStyle thousand "thousand", "lakh", "wan" Indicates the thousands separator grouping style.
numeralDecimalScale 2 Integer Indicates the numeral decimal scale.
numeralDecimalMark . String Indicates the numeral decimal mark. Decimal mark can be different in handwriting, and for delimiter as well.
blocks [] Array indicates the groups to format the input value. It will insert delimiters in between these groups. This option is ignored by creditCard, phone, date and numeral shortcuts mode. When delimiters array is defined, single delimiter option is ignored.
delimiter a space or / or , depending on context String Indicates the delimiter to use in formatting.
delimiters [] Array Indicates the multiple delimiters to use in formatting. This option is ignored by creditCard, phone, date and numeral shortcuts mode. When delimiters array is defined, single delimiter option is ignored.
prefix null String Indicates the prepend string. It can't be removed or changed in the input field.
numericOnly false Boolean Indicates if it only allows numeric letters (0-9). Ignored by creditCard and date shortcuts mode, the value will always be true.
uppercase false Boolean Indicates if it converts value to uppercase letters.
lowercase false Boolean Indicates if it converts value to lowercase letters.


Credit card number formatting:

  type: "cleave",
  label: "Credit card number formatting",
  model: "credit",    
  cleaveOptions: {    
    creditCard: true,
    onCreditCardTypeChanged: function(type) {
      console.log("onCreditCardTypeChanged", type);    

Phone number formatting:

  type: "cleave",
  label: "Phone number formatting",
  model: "phone",    
  cleaveOptions: {        
    phone: true,
    phoneRegionCode: 'FR',

Date formatting:

  type: "cleave",
  label: "Date formatting",
  model: "date",    
  cleaveOptions: {
    date: true,
    datePattern: ['d', 'm', 'Y'],

Numeral formatting:

  type: "cleave",
  label: "Numeral formatting",
  model: "number",    
  cleaveOptions: {
    numeral: true,
    numeralThousandsGroupStyle: 'thousand',
    numeralDecimalScale: 2,
    numeralDecimalMark: '.',

Custom formatting:

  type: "cleave",
  label: "Custom formatting",
  model: "special",    
  cleaveOptions: {
    blocks: [0, 2, 0, 3, 4],
    delimiter: ' ',
    delimiters: ['(', ')', ' ', '-', '-'],    
    numericOnly: true,
    uppercase: false,
    lowercase: false

results matching ""

    No results matching ""