Image field

This is an image input field. You can set an URL of image, or upload from computer. In this case the value of model will be an base64 encoded string.

Special properties of field

Property Default Accepted values Description
autocomplete none see doc Indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser.
browse true Boolean If true, the file browser input field is visible.
placeholder none String Placeholder text for input field
hideInput false Boolean Hidden the link input field
preview true Boolean If true, the preview is visible.
readonly false Boolean If true, the input field is read only


Image field with browse and preview

    type: "image",
    label: "Avatar",
    model: "avatar",
    required: true

Image field without browse

    type: "image",
    label: "Avatar",
    model: "avatar",
    required: true,
    browse: false
    preview: true

results matching ""

    No results matching ""