Field buttons

You can also add buttons to fields.

Buttons screenshot


Property Default Accepted values Description
classes none String CSS classes for the button
label none String Caption of the button
onclick none Function(model, field) Triggered when click on the button


The below example uses two buttons to read the location of the user and clear the location value.

  type: "input",
  inputType: "text",
  label: "Location",
  model: "address.geo",
  buttons: [
          classes: "btn-location",
          label: "Current location",
          onclick: function(model) {
              if (navigator.geolocation) {
                  navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(pos) {
                    model.address.geo = {
                      lat: pos.coords.latitude.toFixed(5),
                      lng: pos.coords.longitude.toFixed(5)
              } else {
                  alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");
          classes: "btn-clear",
          label: "Clear",
          onclick: function(model, field) {
              model.address.geo = {
                  lat: 0,
                  lng: 0

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