switch field

This is a switch/toogle input field for any values. It can toggle true/false, yes/no, on/off values.

Special properties of field

Property Default Accepted values Description
textOn none String Visible label if the switch state is on
textOff none String Visible label if the switch state is off
valueOn none any primitives or Object Value if the switch state is on
valueOff none any primitives or Object Value if the switch state is off


Simple example with active/inactive labels

    type: "switch",
    label: "Status (switch field)",
    model: "status",
    textOn: "Active",
    textOff: "Inactive"

Example with male/female model values

    type: "switch",
    label: "Sex",
    model: "sex",
    textOn: "Female",
    textOff: "Male",
    valueOn: "female",
    valueOff: "male"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""