rangeSlider field

This is a range slider input field.

Please note, this field depend on the following library:

Special properties of field

Property Default Accepted values Description
autocomplete none see doc Indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser.
max 100 Number Max value (need to use validators.number)
min 10 Number Min value (need to use validators.number)
placeholder none String Placeholder text for input field
readonly false Boolean If true, the input field is read only
rangeSliderOptions {} Object Settings to slider. See details below.
step 1 Number Set sliders step. Always > 0. Could be fractional.


For more details, see the official rangeSlider documentation.

Property Default Accepted values Description
type "single" String Choose slider type, could be single - for one handle, or double for two handles
from min Number Set start position for left handle (or for single handle)
to max Number Set start position for right handle
step 1 Number Set sliders step. Always > 0. Could be fractional.
min_interval none Number Set minimum diapason between sliders. Only in "double" type
max_interval none Number Set maximum diapason between sliders. Only in "double" type
drag_interval false Boolean Allow user to drag whole range. Only in "double" type (beta)
from_fixed false Boolean Fix position of left (or single) handle.
from_min min Number Set minimum limit for left handle.
from_max max Number Set the maximum limit for left handle
from_shadow false Boolean Highlight the limits for left handle
to_fixed false Boolean Fix position of right handle.
to_min min Number Set the minimum limit for right handle
to_max max Number Set the maximum limit for right handle
to_shadow false Boolean Highlight the limits for right handle
prettify_enabled true Boolean Improve readability of long numbers. 10000000 → 10 000 000
prettify_separator " " String Set up your own separator for long numbers. 10 000, 10.000, 10-000, etc.
prettify null Function Set up your own prettify function. Can be anything. For example, you can set up unix time as slider values and than transform them to cool looking dates.
force_edges false Boolean Slider will be always inside it's container.
keyboard false Boolean Activates keyboard controls. Move left: ←, ↓, A, S. Move right: →, ↑, W, D.
keyboard_step 5 Number Movement step, than controling from keyboard. In percents.
grid false Boolean Enables grid of values.
grid_margin true Boolean Set left and right grid borders.
grid_num 4 Number Number of grid units.
grid_snap false Boolean Snap grid to sliders step (step param). If activated, grid_num will not be used.
hide_min_max false Boolean Hides min and max labels
hide_from_to false Boolean Hide from and to lables
prefix none String Set prefix for values. Will be set up right before the number: $100
postfix none String Set postfix for values. Will be set up right after the number: 100k
max_postfix none String Special postfix, used only for maximum value. Will be showed after handle will reach maximum right position. For example 0 — 100+
decorate_both true Boolean Used for "double" type and only if prefix or postfix was set up. Determine how to decorate close values. For example: $10k — $100k or $10 — 100k
values_separator " — " String Set your own separator for close values. Used for "double" type. Default: 10 — 100. Or you may set: 10 to 100, 10 + 100, 10 → 100 etc.
input_values_separator " ; " String Separator for double values in input value property.


Simple slider with one value

    type: "rangeSlider",
    label: "Rank",
    model: "rank",
    min: 1,
    max: 10,
    required: true,
    rangeSliderOptions: {
        grid: true
    validator: validators.integer

In this example the value will be a Number like this:

rank: 6

Double range slider

    type: "rangeSlider",
    label: "Income",
    model: "income",
    min: 0,
    max: 100000,
    rangeSliderOptions: {
        type: "double",
        prefix: "$",
        step: 1000

In this example the value will be an array of numbers:

income: [5000, 9000]

results matching ""

    No results matching ""