Select field

This is a HTML select & option selection list field. You can only select one item.

Special properties of field

Property Default Accepted values Description
values none Array or Function List of items. It can be an array with items, or a Function, what is resulted an array. The item will be a String or an object with an id and a name properties.
selectOptions {} Object Settings to select component. See details below.


Property Default Accepted values Description
noneSelectedText <Nothing selected> String Change the text for the no selection option.
hideNoneSelectedText false Boolean Hide the noneSelected item
value id String Used to select any properties from object in values to use as actual value to save in model.
name name String Used to select any properties from object in name to use as display in the list


Select field with array of strings:

    type: "select",
    label: "Type",
    model: "type",
    values: [

If you select the first item, the value will be "Personal" in the model.

Select field with object items:

    type: "select",
    label: "Language",
    model: "lang",
    required: true,
    values: function() {
      return [
        { id: "en-GB", name: "English (GB)" },
        { id: "en-US", name: "English (US)" },
        { id: "de", name: "German" },
        { id: "it", name: "Italic" },
        { id: "fr", name: "French" }
    default: "en-US",
    validator: validators.required

If you select the second item, the value will be "en-US" in the model.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""